Location: Nuevo Laredo, México
Laredo, U.S.A
Type: Urban Masterplan
Team: Marcos Escamilla-Guerrero,
Felipe Olivas
Status: Idea
Year: 2019
Mexico and the United States share between them a large number of elements, characteristics, histories, etc. One of them is the history behind Nuevo Laredo (Mexico) and Laredo (United States). Two hundred years ago, there was just “ONE LAREDO” which was located entirely in Mexican territory. After political and war disputes between countries, the city got split into two parts. Although nowadays there are two names, two nations and one border, the urban behavior and characteristics remain to be one.
Unfortunately, both cities share negative characteristics, such as high violence and poverty. This project pretends to design a masterplan that can heal the two cities of Laredo (Laredo, USA + Nuevo Laredo, Mex). The masterplan is the result of deep research and interpretation of the data. It was decided to follow a strategy that bonds together both cities in all terms. This project consists of eleven specific urban interventions that can regenerate two neighborhoods, one in each city, that at the end will become one. Furthermore, the most important aspect is that this design strategy based on research and analysis is that it can be replicable along all borders.
"Joining cities through Urbanism &
Architectural Design"

Urban fabric diagram

For the mexican side (south), "El Remolino" neighborhood was selected, while in the U.S. side, "El Tonto" is the chosen one. The area posses a signficant portion of greenery and a particular condition in the "Río Bravo".

The conditions in this neighborhood can be resumed as poverty and precariousness, the buildings conditions (as shown) reflect the needs of the people. The objective is to provide better residential infrastructure and employment.
This neighborhood possesses a very particular condition. As shown above, it has a hard urban border represented by a series of train tracks, that isolates it from the rest of the city. The intention is to “bridge” the neighborhood.

"Eleven interventions are ment to be done in the new district"
These interventions are then classified into the three bridging strategies, and goes as follows. Urban Bridge ( streets renovation, academic campus, densification and urban infill), Innovation Bridge (streets renovation, economic zone, urban infill, crossing tracks and densification), Ecological Bridge (resilient border, recreational park, ecological park, pedestrian bridge and research campus).